How to Avoid Feeling Lonely
We all feel lonely from time to time, but knowing how to avoid feeling lonely can transform a dull, unhappy life into a vibrant, happy life worth cultivating.
Loneliness is that empty feeling you have inside. You feel it when you're alone.
When you feel lonely you're feeling low, because you're on a low vibration frequency.
You know this because the thoughts that feedback are those that confirm your loneliness.
The "I'll never find anyone;" "nobody loves me;" or "everyone else is happy," thoughts seem to fill your mind.
You go out through life noticing that everyone is suddenly in a relationship you see happy couples everywhere. This reinforces that lonely feeling.
Psychologically, you feel and look miserable. You lose motivation and life feels like something that you have to get through.
Law of Attraction
But did you know there is a direct correlation between your emotion and your circumstances, some call it the law of attraction.
You may even have come across it and have even been visualizing finding love, desperate to see them in front of you?
Even though you do what "The Secret" says (the film that made the phenomena popular), you still feel lonely and declare that the law of attraction does not work.
But anyway, let's put an end to the loneliness.
Manifesting Love
Today I am not only going to help you manifest your perfect partner, but I am going to help you feel loved again, That raises your vibration so that they come into your life.
To manifest love you must love yourself first. Overwise you will subconsciously sabotage your intention.
You will visualize them and feel happy that they are in your life and then boldly declare, they will never love me! They will find someone better.
You have got to come to understand there is no one on this earth better than you. You must love yourself unconditionally.
If you feel guilty about anything, forgive yourself. Ask your self for forgiveness. Say, "Forgive me for everything I have said and done that is not in harmony with myself."
What your doing is sending a request to the subconscious mind for forgiveness.
Forgive Yourself
Once you have forgiven yourself. You will start to feel a lot better. If not, keep asking for forgiveness. Once you have done that, we can start working on that empty feeling of loneliness.
The thing that you must understand is that you are never really alone, you are already in a relationship, and trust me it is death till we part because the person you are with is you!
Now I want to go over a powerful visualization exercise that will help you feel loved.
For this, find a time when you can safely sit comfortable, I would put on some calming music, I think the acoustic playlist on Spotify is great.
Put on any music that is relaxing to you. Then sit, close your eyes and picture yourself sitting on a bench, there is a road in front of you with cars rushing past.
I want to imagine that these cars are your thoughts. They quickly appear and go again. You don't follow the thoughts you just stay on the bench.
This will bring a calming, relaxing feeling over you.
Next, I want to think about where your internal voice is. Where in the mind is your internal voice?
Ask them to speak.
Next, I want you to imagine what your voice would sound like if you were talking to your best friend and they felt down.
Would you sound comforting?
What kind of things would you say?
How would you say it to them?
Now I want to imagine how you would talk to your future partner or if they were feeling down.
Would it be the same?
Would it be different?
Think of what kind of things you would say to your partner.
Imagine the love that you give your future partner. Imagine them complaining that they are unlovable, comfort them in a loving voice that they are loved.
Comfort them physically. Imagine them crouched and your crouched with them, holding them, making them feel comforted.
Picture them in your mind, see them depressed sad and lonely. See them physically distressed, desperately holding you for comfort.
Visualize yourself comforting them, imagine yourself loving them, desperate for them to feel loved. Picture it, see them sad, desperate to be comforted.
Visualize them pleading with you that they want to be loved. Imagine trying to give them as much love as you can so they can feel better.
Perfect Partner
Now imagine that your perfect partner, is not your perfect partner at all but it's you.
See yourself comforting the other you.
See them physically distressed, desperately holding you for comfort.
Visualize yourself comforting them, imagine yourself loving them, desperate for them to feel loved. Picture it, see them sad, desperate to be comforted.
Visualize them pleading with you that they want to be loved. Imagine trying to give them as much love as you can so they can feel better.
See them being comforted in what you say, imagine them seeking comfort in the words that you say to yourself. Imagine them seeking comfort in you by physically touching them. Hold the other you, feel the other you, comfort the other you.
Imagine yourself floating into yourself who is comforting the other you. Make a commitment and say that you will love and you will protect the sad you forever and that you will love them unconditionally.
Now visualize yourself floating into the sad you. Notice that your not sad anyone but you feel loved, secure and happy. Imagine the other you is telling you that everything will work out and you will find some who will love you for who you are.
Summing Up
To sum up: Whenever you feel lonely, play this visualization in your mind.
This will feel really good and you will raise your vibration. Then you can start visualizing your perfect partner.
Not so that they can love you. Because you can give them the same love that you give yourself.
If you want further reading on how to manifest your soulmate I created a new article here.
Posted on February 1, 2022 in Personal Development